Building some momentum

6 Aug 2024 03:46
Published by: Scott Callan

Perfect timing: Bolton’s deputy leader Akhtar Zaman says the borough must make the most of its regeneration projects

A SPECIALIST unit is being created to capitalise on emerging investment opportunities across Bolton.
The Regeneration and Economic Development Team being set up by the council will oversee major developments, boost local businesses, and attract new employers to the borough.
The local authority is now looking to recruit a major development service manager and an economic development service manager to help lead the team.
The move comes on the back of a number of major announcements that have given a significant boost to Bolton’s regeneration programme.
These include the creation of a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) for Bolton, the award of pathfinder status and a £20m long-term plan for Farnworth.
In a statement announcing the creation of the team, a council spokesperson said: “Investor confidence in Bolton continues to grow with several major developments already delivered or nearing completion.
“The Moor Lane, Deansgate Gardens, St George’s Road, and Farnworth Green developments are creating vibrant neighbourhoods with much-needed new homes.
“Plans for the Church Wharf and Trinity town centre neighbourhoods will be finalised shortly. Newly created or modernised public spaces include Bolton Market Food Hall, Elizabeth Park and Bolton Library.
“Meanwhile, The Bolton Institute of Medical Sciences and The Wellspring Innovation Hub will deliver vital training and employment opportunities.
“The Regeneration and Economic Development Team has been established in time to coordinate even more exciting projects in the pipeline.”
They include the planned regeneration of Crompton Place, a potential Ryder Cup Golf Course at Hulton Park, a new 2040 masterplan aligned to the MDC, and investment in the Wigan-Bolton Growth Corridor.
Further innovations include plans for a Bolton Town Centre Heat Network and an autonomous vehicle network linking the centre with the hospital.
The council says its emerging Economic Growth and Resilience Plan is also laying the groundwork to boost skills, create jobs and support business investment.
Akhtar Zaman, the council’s deputy leader, said: “Now is the perfect time to establish a new team to oversee our existing projects and to make sure we are making the most of the momentum behind Bolton’s regeneration.
“The direct intervention of the council, by investing £100million to acquire and transform underused sites, has created confidence in the market and interest from private investors.
“We are looking forward to recruiting to these two new roles, which will play a crucial part in shaping the future of Bolton and attracting a global market to our town.”

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