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Page 8 March 2025 AD SALES 01204 478812 Bromleys is an independent, family owned and managed business. We are dedicated to the principles, values, and benefits of the traditional Funeral Service. We are committed to providing the highest standard of care and service to each family that we serve. Our involvement begins the moment that you contact us and extends beyond the point at which the deceased is laid to rest. A funeral is one of life’s most personal events and we know how important it is for each family to decide on a funeral which is as meaningful as possible to their particular needs and circumstances. We offer a totally professional and complete funeral service and we are at your service in this, your time of need. We believe that a funeral should be as individual as the person who has died. We, therefore, offer a wide choice of services which can be tailored to the needs, wishes and requirements of each family. HORSE & CARRIAGE . . . HEARSE & LIMOUSINE . . . AFFORDABLE CHOICE . . . DIRECT CREMATIONS . . . Pre Paid Funeral Plans Available - Ask for details. Mayors’ Ukraine aid drive Aid meeting: The mayors are looking to support Ukraine (Photo credit: My Westhoughton) Reebok film set to run WESTHOUGHTON town mayor Neil Maher has revealed plans to drive to Poland along with other local first cit- izens to deliver sup- port vehicles for onwards transporta- tion to Ukraine. Mayor of Bolton Andy Morgan will also be mak- ing the journey as they work with Blackrod mayor Derek Snowden and veterans and volun- teers, to deliver six vehi- cles to Krakow in Poland. Former Armed Ser- vices veteran Neil Maher said: “As we approach the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I wanted to take the opportunity to show a collective humanitarian support to Ukraine. “So, I facilitated a meeting with the mayors of Bolton, Horwich and Blackrod, along with the CEO and trustees of the International Aid Trust (IAT) to discuss how we, the borough of Bolton, collectively can support their life saving work in Ukraine. “The outcome of the meeting was that myself and some of the other mayors will be driving and delivering support vehicles to Poland for onwards transporta- tion to Ukraine in the near future.” Councillor Maher has previously sourced med- ical supplies, equipment and support vehicles for the International Aid Trust. The International Aid Trust is a Chris- tian charity dedicated to alleviating suffering and hardship. It provides essential support such as food, clothing, medical sup- plies, and financial aid to individuals and fam- ilies in extreme poverty. IAT collaborate with churches and trusted partners worldwide to deliver humanitar- ian aid. IAT has been particu- larly active in Ukraine, sending £15.75million in aid to support those affected by the ongoing conflict since Febru- ary 2022. Bolton mayor Andy Morgan said: “The International Aid Trust is delivering vital ambu- lances and support vehicles to Ukraine, pro- viding life-saving aid in war torn areas. “These vehicles evac- uate the injured, deliver medical supplies, and reach those in need. “I personally would like to thank them for their compassion, dedi- cation, and unwavering support for those affected by the conflict and hope our little contribution in driving the vehicles will help to continue their amazing mission.” Storytelling: Reebok’s former senior vice president Dave Singleton being interviewed for the !lm (Photo credit: Bolton Museum) A NEW documentary filmwill highlight the story of how iconic global sportswear giant Reebok’s was founded in Bolton. Joseph William Fos- ter set up his track and field spike shoe business in the town for local running clubs Bolton United Harriers. His pioneering work led to the design of rac- ing pumps for the 1924 British Olympic Team, setting the stage for what would become a significant sportswear manufacturer. The busi- ness evolved from a small factory in Bolton into one of the earliest mass pro- ducers of running shoes. The spirit of enterprise continued through Fos- ter’s grandsons, Joe and Jeff, who launched Ree- bok in the late 1950s. Just recently, Joe Foster himself revisited Bolton Museum for a day of filming, sharing his insights in a compre- hensive interview with Broaden Films. Also featured was Dave Singleton, who joined Reebok in the early 1980s during the brand’s expansion into the Amer- ican market, eventually HORWICH Town Council is working towards handing over this year’s ‘Young Citizen of theYear’award. It will be given to a young per- son up to and including the age of 25 who has brought real credit to the town. A call was made for nominations for young people who have made an exceptional academic, sporting, artistic or cultural achievement or rendered great charitable or vol- untary service and gone that extra mile to help the community. Atowncouncilspokespersonsaid: “The award is all about recognising good community work, building self-esteem, showing a positive atti- tude towards the community and developing an understanding of what citizenshipmeans.” Members of the public, schools, community groups and organisa- tions were invited to write in to the council with their nominations. Thedeadlinehas nowpassedand thecouncil is considering thosewho have been put forward. The winner will receive a gift voucher and certificate of achieve- ment to be presented by the town mayor Ian Aldcroft at April’s coun- cil meeting. Honouring young achievers rising to the role of senior vice-president. The documentary will not only focus on Reebok but will also explore the connections with another local sports shoe com- pany, Norman Walsh Footwear, and their mutual ties with local running clubs like Bol- ton United Harriers and Horwich RMI Harriers. The museum is working with Broaden Films on the documentary film as part of a heritage project. The finished film will premiere at a special exhibition at the museum in July which will offer a unique look into Bol- ton’s contribution to ath- letic history. Bolton Council’s Exec- utive Cabinet Member for Culture, Cllr Nadeem Ayub said: “It’s incredibly exciting for Bolton to be showcasing the rich his- tory of Reebok, a brand that has its roots right here in our town. “This project not only celebrates our indus- trial heritage but also highlights the inno- vative spirit that has always been part of Bol- ton’s identity. “We’re proud that we can bring this story to life through this documen- tary, ensuring that both locals and visitors get to experience the legacy of JW Foster and the birth of Reebok.” TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS CALL 01204 478812