Your Local Independent 192
March 2025 Page 19 AD SALES 01204 478812 ON a bleak Feb- ruary morning in 1958, a plane travel- ling from the Isle of Man to Manchester crashed into Win- ter Hill during a fierce snowstorm. This tragic event, known as the Winter Hill Air Disaster, claimed the lives of 35 people. The weather condi- tions were so severe that engineers working at the nearby Winter Hill transmitting mast were completely una- ware of the crash until a survivor bravely crawled through the deep snow to raise the alarm. Immediately, local communities, par- ticularly in Horwich, responded. Residents dropped their daily tasks and ventured into the blizzard to assist. Their efforts, digging through the heavy snow, were crucial in rescuing the seven survivors. Every year, a service is held to remember those who perished and to honour the rescuers. In 2025, as in previous years, Horwich Heritage, Horwich Rotary, and Horwich Town Council organised a commemo- rative service. One of the rescu- ers, Jim Stuchbury, who recently passed away at the age of 92, was remembered as a “local hero.” He and his colleagues from a nearby quarry walked over a mile, car- rying fuel, and worked tirelessly to clear snow, enabling emergency vehi- cles to reach the crash site. His son, Damon, spoke of his father’s humility and bravery. The Winter Hill Air Disaster is a poignant reminder of the trag- edy that occurred, but also a testament to the extraordinary courage and community spirit displayed by ordinary people in the face of adversity. It is a story of great loss and great bravery, a part of local history that is AS Mayor of Horwich, one of the main aims of the job is to raise money for nominated causes. Mine are the Horwich Cleanup Brigade, Bolton Daytrippers and Rockit. I have two events coming up – the Mayor’s Spring Charity Ball, and a wine-tasting session sponsored and run by LaithwaitesWines. I’m asking local businesses and shops to support these events by donating prizes for the charity raffles. Whether you can offer a gift card, experience, product, or service, your contribution will help make these events more memorable while supporting our community. All raffle prizes, big or small, will be gratefully received and acknowl- edged. Please contact me on 077289 26278 or if you can help. Your support will make a real difference to these deserving causes. My Spring Ball is on March 15 at Ridgmont House, there will be a three-course dinner, live music, a disco, and a charity raffle. Tickets are £55 and can be purchased by contactingme on 077289 26278 or ianaldc@gmail. com. My wife and I would really appreciate your support for this event – please contact me today to book tickets! ACROSS 6 Relinquish a throne (8) 8 Tibetan oxen (4) 9 Mayonnaise (5,8) 10 Expert in atmospheric conditions (13) 14 Rebirth of the soul in a new body (13) 17 Meteorologist (13) 20 Unknown (4) 21 Freeze (8) DOWN 1 Turkish currency (4) 2 Outlaw (6) 3 Breakfast food (6) 4 Power of vision (8) 5 Related by blood (4) 7 Blind system of writing (7) 11 Lack of variety (8) 12 Belonging to us (3) 13 Exhibitionist (4-3) 15 Prejudice against old people (6) 16 Baby’s feeding bottle cap (6) 18 Sicilian volcano (4) 19 Clarets (4) Answers on page 30. QUICK CROSSWORD COMMEMORATING TRAGIC EVENTS IT seems like an eternity since the Mayor’s Chain of Office disappeared for its spa treatment! It finally made its grand return on February 27— just in the nick of time for the mayor of Bolton’s Grand Ball. The original creators, Fattorini & Sons, were the ones who worked their magic on it. I really should’ve snapped a‘before’pic to compare with the immaculate mas- terpiece they sent back. Even those characteris- tic dents and dings in the pendant have vanished, and the whole thing now gleams like... well, like a very gleamy thing! Fair warning to council- lors sitting opposite me in the chamber: youmight want to pack some sun- glasses until it regains its normal patina! The Mayor’s Chain rightly remembered. I learned that the landlord of the Jolly Crofters at that time helped rescue survi- vors, and I remember there was a piece of the aircraft on the wall in the pub commemorating the incident until there was a makeover, when it disappeared sometime in the 1980s. My charitable causes
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