Your Local Independent 192
Page 18 March 2025 AD SALES 01204 478812 THE MAYOR’S DIARY Open evening – council chamber HORWICH Town mayor Ian Aldcroft gives our readers a fascinating insight into his busy round of civic engagements TOWN clerk Carol Hutchinson put together an exhibition com- memorating 150 years of local government and an opportu- nity to ‘Meet the Mayor’ and have a look around the coun- cil chamber. Photographs and documents shed- ding light on the council’s history were on display, and wine and nibbles were on offer. It was good to see several past may- ors turned up to the event as well as members of the public. Maybe it was the wine that drew them back! We were pleased with the number of people who turned up, and it is hoped to convert Carol’s work into an accessible record for all to see. I am holding my Town Mayor plaque up as the mayoral chains are away for cleaning and refurbishment. Lineup: Mayors past and present: Peter Wright, David Grant, James Bullock, Richard Sylvester, Ian Aldcroft and Dorothy Bullock Our ancient past Westhoughton Mayor’s Ball Civic leaders: Mayor Derek Snowdon, and Janet, Linda Maher, Mayor Neil Maher (Westhoughton) , Mayor Andy Morgan (Bolton) and Karen Holdsworth, Mayor Kim Snape ( Adlington) and June Molyneaux, Mayor Ian Aldcroft (Horwich) THE Mayor of Westhoughton held his ball on February 22. The mayors of Bolton, Adlington, Blackrod and I attended. Unfortunately, my wife was ill and missed out on the fun. The entertainment was provided by the HoughtonWeavers, and, as is always the case, there was a charity raffle. The mayor of Blackrod won five prizes in all. I wasn’t lucky but he passed a box of choc- olates over to give to my wife. Derek Cartwright, Ian Trumble, Ian Aldcroft and Stuart Whittle 10 11 Monday Tuesday The Mayor’s Diary Marking the past and celebrating the present HORWICH Heritage Centre has put together another exhibition highlight- ing Horwich’s past, this time exploring our ancient history with the geological storyoftheshapingofourareaandhills. Itwasarealpleasuretoofficiallyopen the exhibition at theHeritage Centre. In my opening remarks, I discussed how studying our history isn’t just about reminiscing; it’s about under- standing where we’ve come from and how that shapes whowe are today. Horwich’s identity is built on the stories of those who lived here before us and the landscape that surrounds us. By preserving that heritage, we create a sense of belonging for future generations. I’d encourage everyone to explore Horwich’s Ancient Past anddiscover the rich history that makes it such a spe- cial place. WE attended the Mayor of Bolton’s Grand Charity Ball at the Toughsheet Sta- dium in Middlebrook, home of Bolton Wan- derers FC. The evening was organised to support four important local charities: Bolton Hospice, The Dar- ren Deady Foundation, Bolton Wanderers in the Community, and Bolton FM Community Radio. It truly was a special night that lived up to expectations. Mayors from across the North West were in attend- ance, and I had the pleasure of chatting with Amanda Parker JP, the Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire. The entertainment was particularly impres- sive. A talented group performed lively dance music that got everyone in good spirits, while the Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa Pipe Band delivered a memora- ble performance. The local Sea Scouts did a wonderful job assisting throughout the evening – escorting VIPs and helping with the raffle and silent auc- tion collections. Overall, it was a thor- oughly enjoyable evening that successfully brought people together for some very worthy causes in our Bolton community. Mayor of Bolton’s Grand Charity Ball – Toughsheet Stadium Chain gang: Bolton mayor Andy Morgan and Karen Holdsworth with other mayors from across the North West, including Oldham, Salford and Horwich
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